Ma ci voleva tanto a studiare una roba che ti protegga dall'acqua epperò ti lasci le mani libere?
Per una come me che a malapena sopporta di avere tra i piedi la borsa da lavoro, sarebbe una benedizione. Anche se resta pur sempre qualcosa che ti tocca portarti dietro... hmmm...
Va a finire che anche stavolta non cedo, e continuo a comprare giubbotti col cappuccio.
2 commenti:
psss... don't know what you're saying here, but I"m glad to see you're still around... I was getting worried having not heard from you in a while.
*big hugs* hope things are ok.
My dear Saff, you're such a sweetheart. Yes, I know I haven't been around, I am not even used to log on MSN anymore. Real life is absorbing all my energies. But, on the other hand, real life also means to make plans for a week in Canada. I will update you soon about everything. Meanhile, please be sure that even though I am silent, you are in my thoughts and I constantly keep an eye on you through your blog.
*tight and warm hugs*
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